@tksteingraber i was fortunate to buy two of the Phillips rectifiers back when they weren’t so pricey. Perhaps someone else on this thread can recommend another rectifier with similar sonics. For now, just see how you like the KR and NU with your Mullard GZ34…
I have not yet heard any other 6F8G tubes in my system. It is sometimes said that the other 6F8G’s (TS, Raytheon, etc) sound very similar to their 6SN7 counterparts with the NU being the exception, but I do not have first hand experience with the others.
I found this 6F8G thread informative: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/6sn7gt-6f8g-an-exploration-of-wwii-era-octal-tubes.890205/
Unfortunately, as always seems to be the case nowadays, the 6F8G models the author most prefers are unobtainium now (KR round plates and Raytheon dark glass flat plate).
I just broke down and ordered a pair of NIB/NOS Melz 1578s (the real ones $$$$). Will let you know what I think.