Short speaker cable recommendation

Wondering if any one knows of a great speaker cable for really short application. Will be running from balanced Quicksilver V4 monoblocks bi-wired into Vandersteen 5A's. Could be as short as 12 inches. More likely 18".

I have been using Audioquest in the past. Their shortest length for any model appears to be 4 feet.

Any manufacturers offering wires this short? If I need to build them myself, any suggestions? Thanks!
Whether or not shorter speaker cables sound better than longer ones, two facts about them are indisputable:
1- They're cheaper! Especially if you're bi-wiring (one long pair of inter-connects is cheaper than two long pairs of speaker cables).
2- The don't sound worse! Remember when at least one wire company claimed cables had to be of at least a certain length before they sounded good? That kind of baloney didn't help the cable industry's credibility.
Do yourself a big favor and purchase 8 feet of this Western Electric NOS
wire from the 70s. It will cost you some $15 and be as good or better than
cables costing you hundreds or thousands new or used. Just strip the ends
and connect the bare wire for the best sound. The copper strands are
tinned so no worries about oxidation.

No hype here, but just honest to goodness beautiful sounding cable. Many
are just now learning about it and know what a wonderful buy it is. I cannot
overstate the joy loaded in the big smile these will give you.

Read this......

The very best speaker cables I have owned, and I have owned many, cost
$1800 new and were a value compared to others I tried costing even more.
I like this WE16ga as much in most sonic areas. I know it seems too good
to be true and we have all heard the same thing about Mogami and others.
Well I tried Mogami and others and they were not giant killers....but good.
This WE16ga is the real deal..... at last.

I like it so much that I have ordered enough to wire my outboard crossover
and speaker internals with it. I will also use it inside my electronics in critical
signal paths.
I'm glad I turned the board on to Jeff Day Blog on the Western Electric 16ga
tinned copper wire as well as the Belden 8402 microphone cable as
interconnect. I am also glad you are spreading the word. A big shout-out to
Jeff Day and his Spiritual twin, amp builder extraordinaire, Shirokazu
Yazaki-san, without whom, non of us would know about this WE speaker

I just wish Rebbi and some of the other folks on Rebbi's thread concerning
good speakers for his Audio Note AN Kit-1 would give it a go...they might
feel as I, you, and some others now feel, it is that good. And it is still dirt
cheap while it lasts. It too, is NOS and disappearing fast.

Your comments above absolutely mirror my own thinking. I'm not a DIY like
you, but I am going to take the plunge with my DIY-happy brother and use
this wire to re-wire my speakers, Coincident Dynamo, as well as some
other items.

Additionally, some of you reading this thread might consider the Belden
8402, very similar in character to the WE 16ga.