Should an amp have a "personality"?

I currently have a SimAudio W-7 amp.  If there is a word to describe its sound, it would be NEUTRALITY precisely capitalized.  I mean it is neutral to a fault.  It's NOT warm, or bright, or analytical, or sweet, or anything that might be misconstrued as a personality.  It's just "IS".  It has nothing that would offend me but nothing that is endearing either.  I suppose some people may like this type of sound.  I also have another SimAudio Moon W-3 amp, and although it is neutral, but it has a distinct personality of being slightly forward, slightly upfront and ultimately more interesting to listen to.  

At this point, I am a bit disappointed what the W7 is not "FOR".  I want its sound to be FOR something be it slightly warm, or forward, or a touch bright or something that is a bit interesting even if it is a flaw.  It's like a politician who wouldn't say he's for something at the risk of offending his potential voters.  

PASS Labs amps are known to be a bit warm in the bass along with all their class A type of sound just as tube amps but they somehow make music sings.  
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Without starting a war ( however, lately it is common for wars here to arise ), I think it is the Thiels that are not making you happy. Trying a different amp, or two, will be the only way to know.
I heard a demo of live unamplified vs recorded of the same musician back to back at an fm acoustics demo and was taken aback with how warm and how much body live music has. Don’t be scared of a bit of warmth. It’s amazing how easy one can fall into the trap of thinking cool/dull is neutral and warm is inaccurate.
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