should everyone just order emm?

i have levinson gear now, and it of course has been bested by
umteen transports and processors in the last 2-3 years. and now, without meitner, i may as well jump in a lake and swallow a snake. can the most rational fellow music lovers out there (no "asylum" cases please) explain how and why i/we should 1.go for any new major improvements NOW 2. wait for blue lasers(?) 3. buy more REDBOOK CD'S 4. clean off some of my old vinyl and relax to some leonard bernstein or some horowitz. 5. jump into the lake anyway having done all of the above. please advise. thanks so very much.
I can't wait for the day we simply put on a neural cap and have the music fed hardwired style to our brains.


Honestly, let me try to describe my EMM experiment.

First my Philips was modified by EMM Labs in Calgary. I definitely liked the sound better than my 10 year old Nakamichi 7 Cd changer, obviously. But it still wasn't great.

I then saved my pennies and ordered the DAC 6e.

Wow!, now it was great.

But, I conducted an experiment. The DAC 6e fed one input of the Placette Passive, and the Philips into another. This is the same Philips I just said wasn't great. THE DAC6E WAS THE MASTER CLOCK IN BOTH INSTANCES. Switching between the two inputs the DAC 6e did win, but not by a huge margin. The sound of the Philips was now almost great. I could have lived with either setup. I think the point is the need for a master and slave clock setup. The elimination of clock jitter is in my eyes the most important thing. But once I knew the DAC 6e was better there was no need to go without.

We all want the best sound, Wadia is great as is Audio Aero, and no doubt some others. Wait and see what the future has in store. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Somebody already posted a review of a mod he had done on his Emm Labs gear with verbage just like you describe. Check the archives.
After reading this thread, all I get is "here comes the banwagon jump on"

I remember everyone jumping on the Sony SACD player banwagon and now a couple of years later they'll all be sad that they didn't wait for the EMM labs DAC. And a couple of years from now those who bought the EMM labs will regret not waiting for the... and so on and so on -- in the mean time I'll still be spinning vinyl while others spin their wheels.

The EMM is clearly superior, even given the need until recently of the crappy Phillip sacd player to run it. I must say, however, that there are clearly better unit now. I sold my DAC6 some time ago when I found several units at least the equal of the EMM and cheaper. No one is going to stay at the top of the pile for very long.