Should I leave my equipment on ?

All solid state equipment, no tubes...Adcom 535 amp, Parasound pre amp, Cambridge Audio cd....should I leave everything on all the time, or turn off if I wont be using it for awhile ?

Does leaving everything on amount to a lot of energy wasted ?

Comments to this bid time neophyte are appreciated.
Thanks to all for such comprehensive answers. FYI what prompeted this question was, among other things, comments I've read from some audiophiles who stated their equipment has NEVER been turned off.

Here is a similar query- I'm currently evaluating different pieces of equipment and interconnects, etc. I have to turn some things off to switch things around. If the equipment is turned off for but a few minutes after it's been on for , say several days, is that the equivalent of a full blown cool down ??

Thanks again to anyone with advice for me.
Even if the equipment is turned off for a few minutes it usually means that it will require another 24 hours to stabilise on turning back on.
pre-amps should stay on all the time they draw very little power.when it comes to amps though if there is no stand-by the bill at the end of the month can be excessive.leaving my three bryston amps on all day as well as two mark levinson amps cost about 200 can dollars a month.i use the bryston's for home theatre and the levinson's for audio.the bryston's being turned off did not make any difference to the movies.the levinson's have a standby switch which just keeps the amps warm,it sounds great and the electric bill is a lot cheaper.hard to believe but i monitered this over an eight month period.good luck
Side note... If you have the Cambridge CD players with the IEC power socket, then upgrade your power cord if you've not already done so. Makes a big difference. For $80 I'd recommend the Blue Circle BC61.