Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.


Anybody with 1 ear and a 'transistor radio' with an ear piece stuck on a 28 AWG wire who can snap their fingers to rock and roll is now an "audiophile" if they got a AAA battery.  And a real audiophile would drive a BMW, not a Porsche.  The "ultimate" machine!  And if side-by-side comparison of turntable to CD is not enough, I play a new vinyl record on each of two serious systems with two different turntables.  Each has it's own charm.  And I have good CD equipment too and we all know the best thing about CDs is that you don't have to get up and turn the record over!   
And if you think this is all a load, well, you are not an audiophile, so it does not matter.
"...on each of two serious systems..."
I have no serious system. All of mine are there for entertainment.
No.  Are you kidding.  No No No No No...A TT is required period, even if you have a RR.  Your car comparison stinks.  Any real  Porsche  owner knows only 911 series cars counts.
(just kidding, don't really care what anyone thinks, just enjoy the music)
I thought the comedy shows start at 9PM on Saturdays...

Nobody has called me too young for anything lately (thanks asvjerry), but I sure would like to see the turntable in a car contraption.

Audio in the car is the worst possible noise scenario imaginable. I don't even try to improve whatever branded system is installed by the car manufacturer (I am sure JBL or Bose or Mark Levinson of Bang and Olufson's best engineers had nothing to do with that crap).

Cheers to Glupson for trying with cassettes. Certainly continuous, but I think the best is just waving the flag and listening to XM/Sirius and getting some exposure to new things. It has spurred many an album purchase over the last 6 years or so.