Shunyata Zitron Python Burn-In?

While I have seen a fair amount of input related to this question from experienced owners on various sites, after just now taking receipt of the Zitron Python SC and Interconnects, I guess I'm looking for a little reassurance. Please tell me these things will get much closer to their purported SOTA performance with sufficient burn in time. Right now they're rounded a bit on top, a little bloated in the middle and heavy in the bottom. Lacking overall speed, transparency and dimension.
Jayh, what you read is correct.... Like most wires, Shunyata cables require break-in. What you hear now is unrelated to their real performance. You will experience inevitable fluctuating anomalies until the cables stabilize ang yield their full high capabilities... at about 150 hours, you will start to hear some nice sound. My own experience with their Z-tron Anaconda siblings suggest about 300 hours, but other audiophile report that Z-tron wires may continue to sweeten for about 450 hours... Be Patient, and try to feed them a signal 24/7.... You may try to use an FM tuner on interstation FM hash whenever you are not listening to music.

Have to agree with Guido here. I don't own Shunyata signal cables, but I do own Shunyata power cords and they do REQUIRE burn in before you can understand their potential...

How many hours do you have on your cables?
Too bad we don't all own an Audiodharma cable cooker. I've often thought about getting one for such occasions. It would be a great purchase for an audio club or group of audiophile friends.