Silly question about a KSA 250-Fuse

Sorry for the silly question but does anyone have any advice on how to change the rear ac fuse? Can't seem to turn it. Theres a round, ribbed inset that looks like it should turn but isn't. Thank you in advance. 
@ duran

Is this a picture of the back of the amp?

If so that is not a fuse holder. It is a 20 amp circuit breaker. If it trips you push in on it to reset it.


the ksa series doesn’t come with an external fuses. It is a breaker which will trip when the amp detect a problem. You need to push in to reset.

Internally it does come with two fuses which are both soldered to a circuit board. Hope this help.
Jea48 yep that's the back. Thank you all for the responses. I'll try that when I get home.