Silver Head Shell Leads

I have an Audio Technica 33 Mono Anniversary cartridge and would like to replace the head shell leads. I'm currently using copper leads and am thinking about buying silver leads. Or for even more money, I could get Rhodium plated leads. What changes would I experience by trying silver or rhodium leads. Recommendations are always appreciated. The head shell I'm using is a modified silver plated head shell on a Thorens TP16 MK1 tonearm.
OP They sell clads because it cheap to make, and offers pretty good results.

Copper with silver clad is a constructs that takes a LONG time to break in as a Speaker IC. Now think how long it takes for a very very low v signal passing through that wire to break in, season and settle.. It takes a LONG time.

I had a guy rebuild an SME 3012 II. He offered a service to "Season" the cabling and new tone arm wire. I opted at the time NOT to do it..

I get it back load up the ol Grado and it sound OK, BUT it sounded better before, WAY better.. I call the guy.. It needs to be "SEASONED" he says.

What the heck is seasoned? It was almost 40 years ago.. He says send it back there will be NO CHARGE and when I get it back, let him know.
6 weeks with shipping and "Seasoning".

I get it back it's like getting a brand new 3K grato that was broke in and ready to go.. It was night and day. I paid him for his service and all the charges.. WELL worth it..

The point behind the spill is maybe the wire is good enough and a little goop here and tape there might fix you right up..

Look up Rhodium it's sound and conductive properties aren't anything I would use in a stereo.. Some swear by it though..
For reasons that are not obvious from the physics, copper does sound different from silver.  (Yes, I know silver is a slightly better conductor, but explain to me how that affects SQ, assuming all audio frequencies are conducted with equal efficiency in both media.) Different listeners prefer one or the other.  You have to decide which you prefer, but I also do not think based on my own experimentation that copper vs silver makes much audible difference at all when it comes to headshell wires, which are very short.  Like MC suggests, a good contact enhancer, or any maneuver that allows you to reduce the number of physical connections in the phono signal path, would probably result in a better bump up in SQ than changing from copper to silver over 2 inches or so of wire.  Those connectors, from cartridge pins to wire to headshell contacts to contacts at the rear of the headshell, to female RCA outputs or a DIN plug at the tonearm to the phono inputs, are where one has most to gain.  Get rid of as many of those as possible.  By the way, I hate silver coated copper wire, but that's just me.  I prefer pure copper or pure silver, solid core vs stranded. Again, only my opinion and should not affect yours.
Thanks to all! As for the NPS1260 contact solution. Is this safe to use? I read somewhere with the Walker Audio solution that it dries hard and cannot be removed. I’m interested in using the NPS1260 for multiple applications.
Worrying about the type of wire used! Copper vs. silver? You guys need a new hobby! That and a recommendation to stay out of the sun!