Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?

I am planning to upgrade my speakers and I am just wondering if this combination works?

I currently have the Sonata I now and the C-220 / MC275 combo works quite well with them. Haven't seen much of the McIntosh & Silverline combos around. I heard that the Sonata III are totally different than the old Sonata I. What are the sonic-differences in between them two? I researched and researched and was so discouraged just because I haven't found any info with a system which consist the two, or even a person who tried this combo... Would like to get some advice before making the purchase. Thanks!
Tvad what is not to understand what I meant? Are you trying to be difficult or what? Lets try again.

1. Company "A" may only use Pass Labs to audition their speakers at shows since they voiced their speakers with this particular amp. Nothing wrong with this!!!

2. Company "B" may use different amp manufacturers at each show and not a particular amp/preamp. Company "B" might be approached by multiple manufacturers to use their amps/preamps for a show. This could be a good thing because Company B's speakers sound good with alot of different amp/preamp combinations. Company B's philosophy is not to be tied to one amp/preamp at each show because it justifies its speakers are very versatile. This is not saying Sonata's don't sound good with amps other than Pass Labs.
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Goodpoint Bondmanp. I didn't read your post before replying to Tvad but basically I am saying the same thing. I think its good to use multiple combo's :)
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Tvad: Honestly, I can't remember if there was any Pass gear in the room with the Boleros. It was a number of years ago. There was absolutely NO Pass gear, or any other gear than what I mentioned above in the more recent show where Alan showcased the Minuets and Preludes. I remember, at Alan's suggestion, moving around the room to hear the Minuets from different locations. I was looking for a subwoofer, too. There wasn't one, even though it sounded like too much bass output for such small speakers (both Minuets and Preludes).

I've heard horror stories of lost and damaged equipment at the NYC shows, and even one case of a rather large theft. Under those circumstances, using cheap electronics is understandable!

BTW, I've asked before, but I'd love to know if anyone has heard the Allegros (which seem to be Preludes with extra woofers). They are more in my real-world price range than the Boleros.