Sim Eclipse cd or player which one

I am thinking of the Sim,But i can not try one,or the Emc
a lot of peaple say the Emc1 24 192 is very good!can eny
one give a verdict!

Gryphon Tabo
Wilson act 1
NBS cables.


I currently have the EMC-1 and am curious as to your perception that the Capitole's performance is a significant improvement over this player. What do you perceive as the big differences? I'd love to be in a position to conduct an A/B comparison, but that is not practical. It sounds as if you have been able to make such a comparison and have formed a strong and definitive opinion as a result. Could you provide a bit more detail to support your findings?

BTW, I have read BWhite's thread comparing the "big three," and also recommend it to others. However, if memory serves, he seemed to favor the Mephisto slightly over the other two.
Hi Waltersalas - I did favor the Mephisto over the others however I am not sure everyone would come to the same conclusion. The EMC-1, Audio Aero and Mephisto are all very good but none of these could be considered a silver bullet. Results depend on your listening preference associated components/speakers and of course your interconnects (especially interconnects & power cords). The EMC-1 MkII is very similar to the Audio Aero in the way it is very lively but... it is not as life-like - if that makes sense.

Grange - what are you looking for from your system?

I own Wilson-Benesch speakers - perhaps I can help.
i like a bit of bite and clout,i dont like it to soft.they
say the sim has more bite and clout ,i listen to jazz female. i had the
mark levenson 36 and 37,but i wont a all in one player.
I find the Audio Aero to have higher resolution(in particular mids and highs). But what really makes the Audio Aero player better in my opinion are the calm and controlled way that presentes the music. I find the EMC-1 mk. II. slightly stressful compared to the AA. As Bwhite puts it very lively but not life-like.
I have just been to Frankfurt high-end show, and the new mk. II version of the Capitol was in about 4-5 rooms. Even though we are talking show conditions all these rooms represented some of the best sound at the show. The bass of the Capitol has improved and the ease of the sound has also improved a notch. (again show conditions are not very useful for listening, but that was my main impression).
I think I am getting the new version!
I have not heard the Mephisto.
Don't to ask futher questions.