Similar sound characteractics to MIT cables?

hi, does anyone know of other brands interconnects and speakers cables that have a house sound that's similar to MIT cables? but without those MIT network box? MIT cables sound relax, a tad laid back, yet clear and no veil/curtain between performance and listener, dynamic are natural without harshness.

Thanks for any replies.


And still people make the same mistakes over and over again. If you read exactly what I wrote, you know that it is not about a brand.

You still want to compare AQ against MIT. First you need to understand the properties before it makes sense to buy a brand.

People create their set by buying brands and parts. But when I ask a simple question to all these people: can you describe all the different properties of all the parts in your set?

The answer is: No.

This means that it is a big guess how the sound and stage is created. That is why I have done thousands of tests since 1998 by finding out all the different properties of each part.

This makes audio so much more effective. At the end you always will have a more complete sound with a lot more emotion. I can garantee you that every single person will choose this. I have proven this for many years now.

Colorado is as cable what is out of production for 2 years now. You need the latest cables. Because the new cables use the technique of the latest Wel.

Even the ’new’ Water is more precise than the ’old’ Colorado.

If you use AQ the right way, it will give you more different properties to use. But....the problem in audio is that people don’t know the properties, so they will not be able to use them all.

The latest Wel Signature is the best interconnect I have tested in almost 18 years of time in many aspects. The big difference with the best Oracle cables is that silver is better in timing but also reveals details which are not there with the Oracle.

With intimate acoustic recordings you also hear the big difference in ’blacklevel’ There is more space around voices and instruments and they are better papable as well.

I never auditoned any interconnect what is able to let you hear such an accurate difference in height of instruments and voices. This also effects the harmonics of 2 or more voices togheter. The latest Wild interconnect was the first interconnect were I noticed this part.

The Wel goes a lot further in this part. The Wel also let you hear more reverb details and the space of a room compared to the Oracle cables of MIT.

When you compare the individual focus of instruments and voices between the latest Wel Signature and Oracle cables the differences are huge. The presence of voices and instruments is with the Wel so much sharper and stand more loose from eachother.

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Silver gives conventional cables the apparent increase in detail but does not give you accurate tone or timbre.
I didn't say that cables who are older are not good. The new ones use techniques what has some big advantages over the older ones. 

At this moment the biggest  way to loose accurate tone and timbre is using a separate DAC with USB. Even the people who developed separate dacs for brands agree this part.

At shows this mistake is made over and over again. There is almost no diversity in the middle frequencies. 

Most sets sounds clean without any emotion. This is based on the fact that by using USB you loose diversity in the middle freq. 

In 2015 I had contact with a few technical people who develope DACS. They said; USB is not a good choice for audio. And you never will get a clean transport of 0/1. This is what you can audition very easily.

This is the main reason why many Highend owners still use a CD player!

Bo, something we can finally agree on...separate DAC's etc. have not sounded as good to my ears as a great one box design!  There is hope for us AFTERALL, just not in cable land:()