Singer sounds lower than ear level, help raise it

My speakers are currently on stands and the tweeters are at ear level. But still i find that the sound of the singer comes from the center of the speakers but it is lower than my ears. Her mouth sound like its only 2 feet from the ground. Is there anyway to raise the focus of the singer higher? thanks
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Do you have a rack of equipment between the speakers? That will affect center image and height placement of a singer. The components will reflect sound to your ears, anchoring the vocals at their level. If you don't, then good, use that center space to tune the imaging with acoustic treatment. Not just absorbant treatment, but diffusive, or a combination of the two. Check out Michael Green's "Room Tunes" products for an example.
If you change rake angle, alignment will be off and you will also lose some bottom end extension.
How can anyone offer an answer without knowing what loudspeaker is being used? The height of the stand? The chair? Room dimensions? What record are you talking about?
Onhwy61, Pickiy, Picky, Picky! :-)

But what the hell, that's why we are here. The voice is, frequency wise, mid-range centered. So mostly it comes from the center of the speaker, i.e. the driver covering the mid range. If the recording has high frequency information it will come from the tweeter at the top of the speaker and it creates a larger sense of space. In a good set up with a good recording there will be a good blend between the two drivers and it will lift the height of the voice some or a lot.

Of course it could be that your room & set up kills a lot of the critical high frequency info leaving nothing but the mid-range.

Try raising your speakers until the mid-range driver is ear height and see what happens.