Single ended to XLR adapter

Does it make sense to use a single ended to XLR adapter? Just Purchased JC-1 amps and have heard they sound best with XLR. My pre amp (Supratek)is not balanced and Im wondering if it makes sense to get an adapter and utilize the XLR inputs on the parasound JC 1s. I realize this is not true balanced.

I'd probably skip the adapters and just get a cable with RCA/XLR terminations.

I use RCA-to-XLR cables between my Yamaha C80 preamp and Levinson #23 amp and they work fine.

Just have to save up now for that ML26 pre...
Whoaru99 - Great Idea. A buddy of mine just suggested it also. I will try it. After I get the cable I will report back any difference in sound quality. So far the single ended connection is sounding pretty darned good.

Just wanted to give an update for whoever is interested. I bought the Cardas RCA to XLR adapters and am now using the XLR inputs on the Parasound JC-1s. The results are quite good. A dramatic improvement IMO. The main improvements I hear are blacker background, more detail, better image focus and improved dynamics. Hope this helps other JC-1 owners that don't have a balanced pre.
I also use Cardas RCA XLR adapters for a similar situation. Both my CDP and amplifier sound better utilizing the XLR output and input respectively even though I am unbalamced with the Preamp. My gain for one thing is greater and I have a better impedence ratio with my preamp. My CDP and amp are GamuT. The Cardas adapters probably cause no degradation. They are exceptionally well made. The ear has to be the test. What sounds the best is the only thing that counts. I will leave exact science to the lab. By the way I tried an expensive CD mat in my CDP which got rave reviews with multiple reasons why it sounded much better. After convinced that was the case and trying many CDs with the mat, I took the mat off the CDs and I am thrilled with the new life in my recordings without it! Maybe I'll try the mat on my DVDs. I will not disclose the name of the product because it might be doing wonders for somebody else!