Sirius and Walker

Hi Folks:

I have first hand experience with the Walker turntable and, to this day, it's the finest I have ever heard. Can anyone compare the sound of the Walker with the Rockport with the same material? I'm very interested.

Thanks as always.

CT Audio Society
What amazes me always in those discussions, is, how many name a turntable "great design" and have absolutely no idea from its Performance (see here, or NVS, or Continuum and more).
Let's face it, most of us (I am an exception) hear with their eyes. And when the price tag is in the upper region, well, then we have it. THE great design.
And it is absolutely not necessary to insist, that for such a comparison each Turntable has to have the same Arm. A typical excuse from an "Audiophile" who does not know what is responsible for what.
In a way, it is very good because it keeps that hobby alive, specially for those who want to spend big money and for those who do not have that money but dream of these "machines".
Fun counts. Or?
In a way ...
A cerainly not acceptable way, mostly Zombie like dead.
Alive ... (for the market yes), but with such a rotten blood inside, that makes it nothing but a lost hope for the users and their illusory dreams. Means no progress and therefore no hope for the future if we continue to connive at. We have to resist. We owe this as a respect to our hobby and to our self. We must remind allways that the good sound is growing slowly after toilsomeness work and it can't just rise suddenly (just because we throw a fortune) from within the next boutique TT. For how long are we going to give food to the corrupt market monster?
Stop to assume by the looks & price. At the end of the day we are alone with only this (THE great!) piece of shit that we have bought. Fun counts? For the market a big one. Maybe also for the decorator. Βut where are we in all of this fraud? Why we choose to accept the pioneer moron role?
AMAZING indeed! Some of us we've allready pay for this, but as we tend to forget these days, our new world is motivated only after the premise of the profit growth. There is no room for reseach & development in our times. So, have we trained enough to distinguish the genuine from the fake? No we would never be able to predict the market's next surprise. Αll we can do is to listen & compare before we buy, but even in this field of listening, we must to learn "what is going on in front of us and what is responsible for what" as Syntax pointed. This is the foremost necessity and our only wheapon in this battle of faulse dreams and delusional auditions.
Unoear: I never said any such thing. You are misquoting me and manipulating the truth as you have in this past as it suits you. I have heard the Rockport many, many times in many different configurations. I have even spent quite a bit of time listening to it at Andy Payor's house as well as Mike Lavigne's and I am intimately familiar with it. Many different cartridges were used and setup at different times by numerous people including Mike Lavigne himself, Steve Dobbins, Joel Durand, and Scott Sheaffer to name just a few.

There was nothing wrong with the turntable when it was at Mike's and you were even there listnening to it before purchasing. You even packed up the table and arm with Mike. The only thing you did not pack was possibly the compressor and air hose. Are you saying you bought it knowing it did not track well after hearing it? Or, did it take someone else to tell you this at your house after you set up this very "finely-tuned machine"? I suggest you improperly setup the table / arm and you yourself are not hearing its true potential.

If any of the users here on Audiogon take a look at your posts and threads, it will be clear to them that you have an agenda to discredit me and those who own my products or even those who speak positively of my products.

Your posts, in regards to my products or my customers, show like a wolf in sheep's clothing and always attack in a very shrewd and sly manner and finish off as it is friendly banter. You have nothing to lose and therefore you keep coming. I have avoided any engagement with you because for me it is a losing battle and a complete waste of time since I am in the industry and therefore an easy target. I just thought it was time to clarify things and I sure hope you do not perpetuate this.

Jonathan Tinn
Hi JTinn,

Nice to hear from you! Are you the same chap that is slamming the Walker TT in this thread? You do tend to discount others efforts for the appearance of your own benefit. Please see your comments that you posted above regarding the Walker TT ( you build the NVS turntable; a new and and untested by time turntable)...then there are all of those Magico comments.

Maybe you missed my earlier post, Tim Sheridan was here in December checking out the Rockport and told me that it was setup properly. You may know of Tim, he is the designer of the motor controller and, if course, is intimately familiar with the Rockport. He gave it a good "bill of health" and fine-tuned the MDA.

I know that you are a busy man and maybe you forgot the comments from the conversation that we had last June. You were selling the benefits and features of your new turntable and mentioned the issue regarding inner groves with linear trackers. Maybe I misunderstood your comment...

Cheers! (a happy and pleseant comment!)
The table was in a condition which was unable to navigate more than 3 tracks (and it never was able to do more without destroying the cantilever of a cartridge).
When your technical understanding is so limited, then you should be lucky that you are able to survive from your sales.
You are responsible to the deletion of the NVS thread, so please don't try to discredit others who have a bit of intelligence for given facts.