Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
The empire sings a different tune! Sistrum backers are no longer repeating Star Sound's self-contradicting techno-slogans. Instead, they have started saying things like, Star Sound doesn't have to explain anything to us (I heartily agree, so I hope they stop!)... we don't know why aspirin or cement works, so should we stop using them?... we should just judge the product on how it performs, etc., etc.

This is such a sudden role reversal, I worry that there's been an invasion of body-snatchers. But, hey, it's a step in the right direction. Nobody's choice of equipment has been criticized here; noone's taste has been impugned; there's just been a protest over junk science. Enjoy your stuff.
I love the way this junk improves the sound of my stuff and so do my friends also enjoy vasts amount of smiles when they listen to their stuff on top of this junk.It makes their stuff sound bigger taller wider as if the band has moved into their places to play till 4am just before they gotta go deliver their paper route. Just all around the result is better more enjoyable stuff.
Jayboard: Your post wreaks of logic. Logic has no place in this thread or in the purchase of audio / audio support componentry. That is, at least according to some. Please don't stir the pot any more and let this thread die a peaceful death. Sean