Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
I tried various "stuff". You can email me for details. What surprised me the most was the level of improvement. Yes, I expected an improvement, but not as much as I got with the sistrum amp stand (and I have the lesser model). I have VAC equip. amp and pre + dac. The VAC stuff is terrific tube equipment by the way. A big difference was the speaker stands. As an example, the aurios just didn't do it. I know others like it, I didn't. BD was nice, musical, but not in the same league as the sistrum speaker stands. So,,,I tried their lesser model amp stand. Lower noise floor, more musical, more detail, better soundstage, imaging, cleaner highs, better get the picture. But what i like the most is the improved dymamics...what the heck, a free trial....I actually tried the stuff based on reading audiogon. It really works. If you really want to know, I am not even tempted to try other stands, it sounds that good. I ordered the upgraded amp stand. I will let you know how that sounds after I break it in.
Scottser, you gots to be careful on this thread. If you rave about Sistrum, be prepared to be called a "shill." ....'twill be a little less painful, now, thank god. Glad you love them. I know where you be.....there's lots of yogurt out there.....the cream always comes to the top..peace, warren