Six DAC Comparison

I am in the middle of comparing the sound of six different DACs in my system. I own them all (I know weird) but one of them is still within a trial/return timeframe.

Not to share specific comparisons today, but a couple of observations so far are that first, they all definitely sound different from each other. On one hand, they all sound pretty good and play what is fed to them without significant flaws but on the other hand there are definite sonic differences that make it easy to understand how a person might like the sound of some of them while not liking others.

Second, raises the observation that most of them must be doing something to shape the sound in the manner the designer intended since one of the DACs, a Benchmark DAC3 HGA, was described by John Atkinson of Stereophile as providing "state-of-the-art measured performance." In the review, JA closed the measurements section by writing, "All I can say is "Wow!" I have also owned the Tambaqui (not in my current comparison), which also measured well ("The Mola Mola Tambaqui offers state-of-the-digital-art measured performance." - JA). The Benchmark reminds me sonically of the Tambaqui, both of which are excellent sounding DACs.

My point is that if the Benchmark is providing "state-of-the-art measured performance," then one could reasonably presume that the other five DACs, which sound different from the Benchmark, do not share similar ’state-of-the-art" measurements and are doing something to subtly or not so subtly alter the sound. Whether a person likes what they hear is a different issue.


@brbrock - Mojo Audio Mystique Y AM ($4,999) is in the house and playing music.  I don't know if I will go into the depth in writing about it that I did with the others but, it sounds pretty darn good right out of the gate.  I basically transitioned directly from my (twice as expensive +) Mystique X SE NCZ DAC to the Mystique Y using the exact same system set-up, and my initial impression is that I didn't really give up much in the transition.

I have been playing with quite a few different IC and speaker cables here lately and having this DAC will be an interesting test of how I can optimize the sound of the Mystique Y AM DAC by changing a cable or two.

@mitch2 That is good to here that you have the MojoY.  Keep me updated as you get more hours on it.

Benjamin from Mojo Audio again...

I did want to mention a few things about our Mystique Y.

First of all, Mitch has the middle-priced Mystique Y AM with amorphous core chokes. If he had our Mystique Y NC with nano crystal core chokes the sound quality would have been even closer to his Mystique X NC Z.

The reason is that aside from the single USB input and the AD1865 vs AD1862 DAC chips, the two DACs are nearly identical: identical USB input...identical power supplies...identical direct-coupled class A output stage...identical component parts quality...nearly identical chassis. 

MSRP on the Mystique Y AM that Mitch has is $5,499 whereas retail on the Mystique X NC Z he has was $12,499. So the Mystique Y AM is less than 45% the price. Our entry-level Mystique Y Fe with ferrous core chokes is only $3,999 which would be less than 1/3 the price of Mitch's Mystique X NC Z.

Quite an exceptional value if like most of our customers all you use is the USB input.

@mitch2 Hey Mitch how does the new DAC sound?  I know it is suppose to be a tad more lively.  Does the Mystique Y still beat the other DAC's you spoke about in the thread?

The Mystique Y sounds good in my system. 

I am working on a write-up to post here but been a bit busy lately with regular life stuff.  I will try to finish and post something this weekend.  As a preview, no real surprises.  Benjamin has been a straight shooter about both how good it sounds and the comparative differences between the Y and the X SE.