Reversing the polarity of a mid in a 3-way or a tweeter in a 2-way is just a result of correcting for the phase shift of the crossover. The exception being 4th order. It's about getting the drivers to sum correctly. If they were 180 degrees out of phase, they cancel around the crossover point. In fact, one of the best ways to confirm the drivers are in phase is measuring the reverse null.
Now, if you want to talk about absolute phase and the half a millisecond @ 2000 Hz between cycles and whether that's audible, that's a different story. I don't know the audibility threshold up there but down around 100 Hz, it's around 30 milliseconds and several cycles for our ears to respond. Less for the trailing edge.
Now, if you want to talk about absolute phase and the half a millisecond @ 2000 Hz between cycles and whether that's audible, that's a different story. I don't know the audibility threshold up there but down around 100 Hz, it's around 30 milliseconds and several cycles for our ears to respond. Less for the trailing edge.