Slow Down, You Move too Fast

Hello Again,

It's been a while and nice to be creeping back in to the game!

My system has sat pretty still for a while and some recent changes have made it a bit lean and quick. The most recent culprit are MG Audio planus III speaker wire. Amazing detail and extension. And fast. A bit too fast for my system: I initially loved them, and still really appreciate their attributes, but these old dog's ears got tired.

So, I am looking to slow things down into a more of a comfy zone.
I am thinking of new speaker cable and perhaps a set of interconnects and could use some insights...

The speaker cables that look good to me are:
-Tara Labs, the One or Two +/-EX
-Purist Audio Venusta
-Kubala Sosna Emotion

The Interconnects are the same-ish. I try one instead of one of my Gabriel Gold Infusions:
-Tara Labs, the One or Two +/-EX
-Purist Audio Venusta
-Jade Audio Hybrid Gold

Is that too much for one thread?

Looking forward to batting it about.

Enjoy the tunes!

And, thanks.
Well, I heard back from the folks at Tara and they recommended the 2. Might have saved me some dough, but oddly enough, after doing some more reading I though the 1 sound like the...well, the one!
Kubala still looks awfully good. The Purist SC's? Hard to say.....
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.

Hey Art, as Brett (Isochronism) says, Keith (Audiolabryinth) will be along shortly to fix you up with the full Tara Labs loom. Be careful though, or he'll have you buying the Zero Gold!!

Though maybe you would have more success, like Jerry (Pops) and myself, with mixing the PAD with the Tara Labs. I was using the Venustas (until I replaced it with Jade Vermeil) with The One interconnects, and Pops is using Tara Labs 0.8EX with Venustas interconnects and PAD Proteus Provectus speaker cable. I know Keith says we are all crazy, and that Tara Labs is all you need, but hey, crazy people need cables too. LOL!!

Personally, if it was me, using your suggestions, I would go with the Tara Labs speaker cables and the Jade Hybrid Gold interconnects.

Welcome back, and happy hunting.

Go with the Taralabs, start with anything you can afford, then do not switch cable brands!, move up the cable food chain, the cables are alot better the more you spend, I own two different models Of taras now, complete looms of them, If there is anything I may be of help with, just ask, when it comes to Taralabs, I can answer your questions accurately.
Thankyou gentleman for the Humor, I got a good laugh, If Bud has questions, I will do my best to help.