SME 30 compared to current favorites

Has anyone compared the SME 30 to the latest tables like Grand prix Monaco, Walker, Basis, Raven AC-3 or to older refurbished tables like Micro Seki or Technics SP-10 or Gerrard? I don't see much discussion about the SME 30 and if its relatively old design stands up to the latest thinking in TT design or to the older DD classics which seem to be quite popular again. Is it just too expensive? Or do people feel like they have to commit to an SME arm and therefore not try it? Thanks.
I don't want to get into battles with zealots or manufacturer's representatives...

Aha, I always wondered ..... :)
Your thinking is right, I agree, there is much worse out there. It is clever made, has some very useful features and when you use an Arm with it like you do: Top.
Very expensive compared to cost in England. Importer jacks the price up way past what it should be. If you go to England try and buy it there and get the VAT removed. Great table. A much less expensive alternative would be a SOTA Cosmos with an SME V arm. Also an old design but very cost effective and great isolation from feedback.
Hi Peter, I went from a SME 20/2 IV.Vi arm to a Grand Prix Monaco with Triplanar VII uii arm.

First, I had my SME for years and really loved that table. There is a "rightness" to it's sound that I don't think can be bettered, except by a 30/2 or 30/12.

The Grand Prix/Tri combo over the SME 20/2 SME IV.Vi is better in the PRat, dynamics, more quiet, and images better. I don't know how much is the arm vs the table.

When it comes to a SME 30/2, you more likely getting different than a lot better.

I am very happy with my Grand Prix, If I hit the jackpot, I'd like to have a SME again as a 2nd table.
The SME 30 - as a table alone - is very good, as it addresses the issue of micro-vibration extremely well.
Its a well built machine and - Ruxtonvet already mentioned - much more attractive in price when bought in the country of its birth. Mated with a Graham Phantom this TT will stand its ground against any competitor on the market today or yesterday. Its not the best in all sonic aspects, but it certainly is a member of the top group of 8-10 TT's regardless of price.
I am certainly not a fan of the SME 30, but I have to give credits to several quite clever design details which do contribute nicely to its overall controlled, precise and colorful sound.
Jfrech's last sentence should tell us all a lot more than the mere words......