SME V Tonearm on eBay Hong Kong Sellers are FAKE!!!

These scumbags have been selling these for a while now. It comes from multiple accounts originating out of Hong Kong. They sell on average two SME V tonearms a month, at $1400-$2200, auction style. Fellow audiophiles, please stop buying these. They are 100% fake. They are cheap hideous copies.

Report and do not buy from sellers: mandy-930 and makiyo2008
Why not contact SME about fake producs on ebay with their brand name on it? Maybe they can do something 
Information for Lewm.

After Fidelity Research went out of business, Osamu Ikeda (together with his manufacturing partner IT Kogyo) made a VTA adjustment base that works with the Ikeda IT-345 and IT-407 arms as well as the FR-64 and FR-66 family.

The IT-VTA06 can be considered as Ikeda-san's own replacement for his  earlier B60.
Dear Jonathan,
Thanks very much for that URL.  I was totally unaware of that product.  My first reaction is to note how exactly the Ikeda "B60" resembles my own reproduction of the FR B60.  It's deja vu all over again.

I cannot decipher the Japanese and so have no idea of cost.  I do plan to be in Tokyo within the next two months, to visit our son who lives there.  I'll snoop around Akihabara looking for it.

As to the inaction exhibited by eBay with respect to bogus SME Vs, why am I not surprised?  They are interested in nothing but their own cut of the action, which has grown increasingly excessive as their dominance of the marketplace has enhanced itself over the years.  I've got stuff sitting around my house that I would like to sell, but I refuse to go the eBay route just as a matter of principle.
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