So, as always, I am listening to music, through my main system, and I......

freak out.......Behind my audio rack, I start hearing a sound, that is loud, frightening, and somewhat familiar...but have not heard it in a very long time. I have different components in my rack since last time I heard it. It is a sound, as if a component, is going into self destruction. Not through the speakers, which are to the left of my rack. I lower the music, and the noise stops. I play the music again, nothing, but music, and then...the noise is back. I lower the music, again, and I hear this buzzing coming from behind my amplifier, which is at the top of the rack. I start to reach behind my rack, and put my head near the amplifier, listen to this buzz, and then, the noise stops. I stand there in silence, and wait, until, the buzz comes back, which it does. Can't put my finger on which component this buzzing is coming from. After a brief moment of silence from my system and I, and a simple investigation, I calmly, discover the culprit. The wall behind my audio rack / system, is an exterior wall, and on the exterior side of the wall, back to back with my rack, is a Palm tree, home............ to a family of Cicadas. What a relief. I do not remember them, being this loud. In a month, they will be gone. Enjoy !, stay safe, and be well. Always, MrD.
LOL ....Awesome story ..thanks. I was worried for you for a sec. Those dam bugs are loud as a fog horn.

When I was in my twenties visiting a friend in Dallas in the summer we had a fine time sitting in his back yard in a couple of lawn chairs, drinking beer and shooting BB guns at the cicadas in the trees along his back fence. His little mutt of a dog, named Sweeney, was a purebred cicada retriever, Peter claimed, and he lived up to his reputation.
I have lived in C.Fl. since ' has been a while, for sure. I am in a different home since last time, and this was LOUD.
Need to import the giant Cicada Hornet often mistaken for the Murder Hornet. We have them nesting in our flower beds and they kill Cicadas drag them into their nest (burrowing hornet) and their larva (young) feed on the carcass. 
I have no Cicadas eating my magnolias around my pool. 
I live in the Dallas area.