Uber, I looked at your URL on eBay. That product may be a step-UP transformer, converts 110V to 130V. Nowhere does it clearly say exactly what it does, however. Anyway, you want 100V out, not 110V, which is the low value quoted in the eBay ad. If it is a step-UP, you may be able to run it backwards, plug the "130V" input into your wall which is ca 120V and then maybe you'd get ~100V out. The ratio 130/110 would be operative.
This one is the one I use, maybe under a different brand name but essentially exactly what I have:https://www.ebay.com/itm/PowerBright-Step-Up-Down-Japan-Transformer-Power-On-Off-Switch-Can-be-Used-...
This one is the one I use, maybe under a different brand name but essentially exactly what I have:https://www.ebay.com/itm/PowerBright-Step-Up-Down-Japan-Transformer-Power-On-Off-Switch-Can-be-Used-...