Exactly my prior misgivings on room correction.
However after reading numerous actual owner reviews I took the plunge on the Lyngdorf.
My room is terrible acoustics wise and bass has always been an issue and after running the RoomPerfect and sat down for the first serious listening session I was a believer.
Prior to the Lyngdorf I used Hegel h300 and h160, these were no slouch at all but my room still gave me bass issues.
In my room and system the classe sigma was the least satisfying, on paper it sounded great, in reality it just did not gel for me. Maybe with wimpier speakers that were bass deficient it could be good. With my Wilson’s and 12 inch drivers bass was even more overblown that the Hegel.
Now I am a hardcore basshead, no doubt about it but it has to be defined, controlled bass not one note boom!
The Lyngdorf works on both digital and analog sources in my system extremely well.
Just my results in my system and my ears.
Exactly my prior misgivings on room correction.
However after reading numerous actual owner reviews I took the plunge on the Lyngdorf.
My room is terrible acoustics wise and bass has always been an issue and after running the RoomPerfect and sat down for the first serious listening session I was a believer.
Prior to the Lyngdorf I used Hegel h300 and h160, these were no slouch at all but my room still gave me bass issues.
In my room and system the classe sigma was the least satisfying, on paper it sounded great, in reality it just did not gel for me. Maybe with wimpier speakers that were bass deficient it could be good. With my Wilson’s and 12 inch drivers bass was even more overblown that the Hegel.
Now I am a hardcore basshead, no doubt about it but it has to be defined, controlled bass not one note boom!
The Lyngdorf works on both digital and analog sources in my system extremely well.
Just my results in my system and my ears.