BLA BLA BLA Broken F***in record.. How may times were you clowns set in the corner for NOT LISTENING.
You site some half baked crap from WHO? "Someone that says"
No one claims anything. The claims are from the flat earthers how "OTHER" people, (NOT THEM) CAN’T hear what THEY hear.
Why not say "I can’t hear the difference", "Others MAY".
Ignorance is bliss, so is a limited ability to discern the difference in cables, gear, acoustics and God forbid a TWEAK that works..
Your THREAD is here to do one thing collect fungus, at least that has a purpose, the little conversation you referred to is as old as DIRT..
LEARN to listen for yourself AND QUIT speaking for others.
Hearing aids... One Mouth shut. Two ears OPEN. Try it...
You site some half baked crap from WHO? "Someone that says"
No one claims anything. The claims are from the flat earthers how "OTHER" people, (NOT THEM) CAN’T hear what THEY hear.
Why not say "I can’t hear the difference", "Others MAY".
Ignorance is bliss, so is a limited ability to discern the difference in cables, gear, acoustics and God forbid a TWEAK that works..
Your THREAD is here to do one thing collect fungus, at least that has a purpose, the little conversation you referred to is as old as DIRT..
LEARN to listen for yourself AND QUIT speaking for others.
Hearing aids... One Mouth shut. Two ears OPEN. Try it...