So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
They are directional just ask Nicola Tesla’s grandson , Ted Denney 
from Synergistic search , he is always boasting claims on 1 Million volt Tesla coil ,I asked to see proof and white papers to substantiate ,he hung up on me 3 years ago . Even if the wire is drawn in that direction , within 24 hours if reversed it will sound the same.   Thst being said purity of Copper silver does count 
like 7-9s pure OCC copper is drawn in a nitrogen atmosphere when cooling and the pours like bumps in a road instead of 1000s per yard ,to a few hundred it’s a much more linear signal path.
as well as type of dielectric ,speed of signal ,and connectors,brass most use ,are vastly inferior vs Silver plater pure Copper connectors 3x lower resistance, as well as 3x better conductor .
certain things count, in absolute terms. I have found coating  the contacts ,and AC cables with High fidelity  audio cables 1260-3D contact enhancer fills the voids or in the pours in the metal with their super conductor formula ,
for $350 it’s a exceptional product ,and by far the best signal enhancement product I have found ,and I have tried most everything available the last 5 years.
Hey, I think even Ted draws the line at claiming 7 nines silver (or copper). About the only people "claiming" to be drawing wire at that purity is "no-name" vendors out of China, all targeting audio of course. Good luck getting a test report after wire drawing that verifies the purity (or heck, even before). 
edgewound OP
...and oh....BTW...not one person has come up with evidence that the wire conductors in cables are directional. Why?...because they aren’t.
Actually, that documentation has been provided. Either you haven’t been reading other posts in this thread carefully, or you’re just another "new" user who comes here to debate and insult.

Post removed 
You better watch it Edgewound. The old users may get upset if you try to intrude on their exclusivity for snark and insults. And debating? That is strictly verboten.
Hey sugarbooger - please try to stay on topic. This thread is: " So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again..."