So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?

844 posts
05-23-2021 8:48am
Well I knew this would be the response. The directionality of wire is not really what is important in this discussion.

Actually...It IS important to the discussion, because many manufacturers claim they "listen" to the wire to determine its directionality, therefore the cable has much better resolution, noise floor,"blacker background"... These claims can actually be backed up by measurement of the frequency response, resitance, capacitance, and inductance. Feelings can't be measured or quantified other than a very high price point....must be better because they said so.

I really dont care, but the idea that someone who diminishes the personal experience as paramount in this hobby and is talking about a universal reality is very concerning. Because you are so quick to dismiss indicates to me that you are in no position to mentor anyone. The fact that you close your mind to other possibilities automatically disqualifies you as an objective source of information. You would portray your opinions as facts and quote some propeller head and to add credence.

Ahhh...But you do care, otherwise you wouldn't be participating in this thread. It's your desire to "mentor"...Really? Are you this shallow to think you are a mentor to some young audio enthusiast that might go astray by FOMO from not going down the Rabbit Hole of spending thousands of dollars on cable that make magical claims, when their money is FAR better spent on amps and speakers that play well together. The magic starts in the quality of the recording, gets amplified and turned into air moving soundwaves by the speakers. Thousands of dollars of "audiophile" cables are not going to outperform "broadcast quality. If you get a thrill out spending car level money on cables, that's your prerogative. But "mentoring" someone to practice that is simply an attempt to justify a business model built on lies and fantasy.

Again lets compare experience and systems. Or do you believe that all systems are equally resolving? The fact that you are digital only is very telling as is my preference for vinyl.

Of course not all systems are equally resolving. It's a statement like this that reveals that your mind is closed to anyone that disputes what you believe in, and simply will not tolerate any discussion of why. Your mind is made up. Refusal to participate in blind listening tests, measurements of electrical properties, etc., is akin to believing that bloodletting is a good medical practice.

As far as vinyl vs. digital goes, each has a reason for it's preference. I simply like to hear excellent recordings. Vinyl can do that, along with the romance of ritual with an LP record and accompanying packaging. From a purely technical standpoint, modern digital done right far surpasses that of a vinyl record. Ask Bob Clearmountain and Bob Ludwig. 

That's not at all surprising that you folks throw tantrums and insults when not agreed with in lockstep. You get what you give.
Post removed 
For some reason you want to know my system. I don't see the relevance but it's strictly digital. Lumin U1 mini streamer, 2 Genelec 7350 subwoofers and 2 Genelec 8351b monitors GLM calibration. Various room treatments. Pro  mogami AES3 cables. This is now I've had more gear than worth mentioning, including vinyl and tubes. What I've learned is respect the measurements, engineering, source media and reputation of the manufacturers  and they'll get you better sound than playing with worthless tweaks and lousy measuring speakers which is about 85% of your listening experience anyway along with the room. 

4,034 posts
05-23-2021 2:49pm
For some reason you want to know my system. I don't see the relevance but it's strictly digital. Lumin U1 mini streamer, 2 Genelec 7350 subwoofers and 2 Genelec 8351b monitors GLM calibration. Various room treatments. Pro mogami AES3 cables. This is now I've had more gear than worth mentioning, including vinyl and tubes. What I've learned is respect the measurements, engineering, source media and reputation of the manufacturers and they'll get you better sound than playing with worthless tweaks and lousy measuring speakers which is about 85% of your listening experience anyway along with the room.

You do realize those Genelecs are simply to sterile, clinical and lifeless to do you any good. You must replace your Mogami interconnects with something north of $20 grand to darken...blacken, if you will... the background palette, eliminate the noise floor to a bottomless quantum tunnel, and soften the edges of those godawful tweeters. Probably Quantum Tunneled power cables and fuses will add to your enjoyment from such a rudimentary, beginner, entry level system.😉😂
Let's see for $20K,  cables or the W371A woofer extension.... tough choice indeed...