Solid core power cords under 300$ - List of manufacturers ?

I would like to try a 2nd hand solid core power cord under 300$

What are my options?

I know following manufacturers:

Audioquest (Copper)
Cabledyne (Silver)
Nordost (Silver plated copper)

DIY is also an option for me.
(my devices draw 15 watts only (1 streamer, 2 mono blocks ))

"solid core PCs are illegal unless someone knows otherwise"

Well they are either legal or not legal and the fact of whether they are legal is fully independent of any awareness on the part of any individual as to the legality of using solid core wire in this particular application but I am not aware of any law that would forbid they’re use in such a use however not every stupid idea is illegal and this would be one example of that.
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4,835 posts                                                                      05-15-2018 10:52am

I bought a used AudioQuest power cord, very early one. It had solid core conductors.
It was no better sounding then, than any OEM powercord.
(but at that time I did not own the $$$$ equipment I do now)
I threw it away years ago. as it had be bent and folded many times, and could have easily become unsafe.
For personal use I see no reason to avoid solid core AC wires. As long as one understands the dangers of overbending the wires used. 05-15-2018 10:52am

Aren’t you using Pangea Audio power cables? Note the solid core individually insulated copper conductors. Also note the Litz solid core wires/conductors encased inside an insulated covering.