Solid state amps under 1000

I know this thread has been done. I still would like more opinions. My current line up is:

Musichall MMF-25 cd player
Musichall MMF-5 Turntable
NEC T-6 tuner
C-J pv10a preamp with phono
Hafler 9500 Transnova power amp
Spica TC-60 monitor speakers
ACI Sub-One stereo subwoofers
Audioquest Crystal/type 6 tri-wire speaker cable
Various interconnects, mostly Homegrown Audio silver

I have enjoyed the Hafler for over 8 years. At 250 watts, it is probably overkill for my Spica's however (16 X 14 ft room). I love the c-j preamp and have an itch to replace the power amp. Oldest starts college this fall and finances are tight. $1000 tops. Candidates are:

Conrad Johnson 2250 (my leading choice)
Bryston 3B-St (always recomended)
Musical Fidelity A3cr (anytime Sam Tellig likes something this much, I get nervous)
Belles 150A hot rod
McCormick DNA .5 (so many versions out there)

Criteria, a definite improvement over the Hafler or why bother. A good value at or below $1000 used. A piece that will hold its value for future resale and be reliable. Must run cool as we also have a new baby in the house. Finally, if possible, looks other than a simple black box ( see why the C-J is leading).

Thanks in advance for your interest and opinions.

Used: Belles Hotrod, Pass Labs Aleph 3 could be a real good choice. Nothing wrong with the CJ 2200 not sure if I like the looks of the 2250.
Great list so far. I guess I can add the Blue Circle BC22. It was made to go with tube preamps.
You simply won't find a better amp for the money (or anything even close) than this:

I have no affiliation with the seller I'm just offering a suggestion.
I would warn against the Aleph 3 if you don't want a hot amp. You could fry an egg on the top plate of that sucker (but it sounds good).
Thanks for all the suggestions. Sugarbrie, I don't know much about Blue Circle, but I thought they were tube amps. Is this a solid state design? What is the power rating etc? Eric, I will look into both Odyssey and Norh amps. Obviously I would prefer to hear all the amps under consideration, but that is not possible. Please keep the thread going. Any C-J 2250 owners out there that have also heard the Belles and Musical Fidelity amps?
