Solid State Phono Stages

I used to be an all-tube guy, but I’ve now ventured into the realm of high-end solid state with T+A and no longer have any itch to go back heavily into tubes. Now, the only tubes I have left in my system are in my Modwright PH9.0X phono, and from what I’ve demoed against it, it seems to be a giant killer. I do love it, but I’m curious to try a higher end solid state phono stage to see what more noise and more music might sound like. Unfortunately T+A does not have a standalone phono stage, so I’m looking at other manufacturers and open to other opinions.

I currently have a Clearaudio Innovation Wood table and Air Tight PC-1s cartridge. i listen to a wide range of music, from Zeppelin to Vivaldi to Beck to Coltrane to Yello. The stage would ideally have between 65-74db of gain, maybe adjustable to 60db at minimum, and have variable impedance values. A balanced output stage would be ideal. I don’t ever really plan to have a second arm, but most stages that retail over $7K tend to have multiple inputs anyways.

My budget would be at tops ~$8K for a used unit. The unit that is sticking out to me from what I’m reading about is the Simaudio Moon 810LP. Another high on the list is the Esoteric E-02. I’ve also come across the Pass XP-27, the Gold Note PH-1000.

I’m looking for a stage with some personality in its character, not one that is overly refined. I’d love for it to be dynamic and bold when it should be, and also gentle and refined when it should be.

The only solid state stages I’ve ever owned and tried were the Pass Labs Xono, which was clean sounding but a little noisy and brittle sounding compared to a PS Audio Stellar Phono. I’ve liked all my tube phono stages better than both of those units.

I’ve also considered going further up the tube stage route, looking at Doshi 3.0, Aesthetix IO Eclipse, but I’m hesitant unless I can hear those in place. 

What solid stage phono stages have you loved, and what have you compared them to?

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I guess I have updates as well, which fit with @lewm's statement above. I used some funds from selling the BMC MCCI Signature ULN to acquire a Simaudio Moon 810LP. It is a very different beast from the Audionet PAM G2 / EPS which I documented through this thread, but also different from the BMC. In some ways, it falls between these two units, and part of me is still longing for just a little bit more. This is where I need to ride it out with break in.

I previously described the Audionet as balancing soul, body, and detail, but it surely does not have the snap and immediacy of the BMC. The BMC, on the other hand, I found to have unparalleled clarity and separation, but at times at the expense of the music gelling and flowing, and I found myself listening more analytically vs enjoying the music as a whole.

The Simaudio Moon 810LP definitely has more clarity and separation than that of the Audionet, but it is not as pronounced as my experiences with the BMC. The 810LPs tone is very natural, and the pacing and presentation is just wonderful and holographic. It is still just a tad bit dry for my tastes, but I would probably think differently if the bass and midbass filled in a little bit more. And here's where I hit the snag. For some reason, the bass and midbass is just weak, and it makes the unit sound thinner and more dry. I bought the unit as a distributor demo, but it never really had any use. What I've heard is that it takes up to 500 hours to fully break in and settle, and I'm only on about 60-75 of those hours. I may also need to play with the loading, which is a bit frustrating because it is under the unit and requires me to disconnect cables to adjust. What's worse, as Lew mentions above, it takes about 203 hours after powering the unit on before it fully warms up and sounds great again, so many have advised me to leave the unit on at all times.

The unit has only 40,000uF of capacitance reservoir, which is still quite high, but nowhere near the 100,000uF of the BMC or the 250,000uF of the Audionet. Perhaps the 820s power supply could help me achieve what I feel is missing, but overall the 810LP is a very admirable unit, and I'm betting the break in period will be revelatory.

If anyone else has an 810LP (hint @rauliruegas), I would appreciate if you weigh in on your break in experience if you had to endure it!


Capacitance alone doesn’t tell you much. Depends also on the B+ voltage developed in the supply. Tube devices develop high voltages, e.g., 250V and higher and require less filter capacitor. SS devices usually operate at or below 100V, but 100V would need less filtering than say 25V. Also Class A devices place different demands on the PS, compared to Class AB or B. That can be ignored since preamplifiers are nearly all Class A.

But manufacturers commonly tout massive capacitance as an unalloyed virtue and offer “upgrades” where adequate filter capacitance is replaced by even more than adequate capacitance. This can help in a Class AB amplifier but I’m skeptical how much it helps SQ of a preamp, providing the original filtering was adequate.

Bliss, I assume 203 hours means 2-3 hours. I keep the PS of my SS amplifier on standby at all times. Then when in active use it takes 30 to 45 minutes to bloom. (This is not about the BMC, which I keep on at all times.)

In my last paragraph above, replace “amplifier “ with “preamplifier”.

@lewm Yes, I absolutely meant 2-3 hours, thanks for the correction, as well as shining some light on capacitance. Your wisdom is always appreciated.

Ayre is releasing their brand new phono pre in Q3. That should be on anyone’s list.