Solid State Preamp Under $8000

I generally buy a piece of equipment that has been out for about four years and keep it for about 5 to 6 years. In this manner I get the fun of buying a new (used) piece of equipment every year and not paying retail prices. 

I have had my Esoteric C-03 preamp for 5 years and am considering replacing it with a newer model.  I have liked this unit a lot.  It sounds great and is a joy to use.  Why replace it then?

Well if there is something out there used for $8000 or less used that will give even greater transparency than the C-03, I would be a buyer. In general, the voicing of my current set up seems spot on. 

 I would prefer a single box unit if at all possible because of limitations on rack space and interconnect length. I do not want to risk a lateral move at this level of investment.  

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Current System: 
Feickert Firebird/ Reed 3P/ Ortofon Anna
Audio Research Reference Phono 2 SE
Esoteric C-03
Krell Evolution 302e
TAD Evolution Ones
Esoteric X-03se

KARL-- good call   In my price range and is the type of unit I am looking for.  Funny I considered buying  an XP-20 years ago but a dealer had the C=03 that was so luxurious, I bought it instead..  
Have you tried looking for a Krell Illusion or a Krell Phantom 1 preamp?  Since you're looking for a "transparent" preamp, those are likely very good candidates and I would say that the Krell preamps are in the same "voicing" as the Esoteric stuff.  The Pass Labs and the Luxman are also very excellent devices, but they do have that FET coloration and warmth added.  Maybe not quite as transparent as the Krell/Esoteric.
The XP-22 is a two unit piece which you mentioned would not be preferable.  But, I feel like Pass really knocked one out of the park with this update of the Xp-20.  In my system it replaced an Xp-10.  I hear improved clarity (resolution without glare or fatigue) and more holographic imaging compared to the Xp-10.  I imagine it would do similar things in your system.  If interested, there is a nice thread on the Pass section of the What’s Best forum.
Thanks Karl.  I can do a two box unit but an XP-30 or 32 when it arrives would not be possible.

Auxinput:  TBH, I have never heard a Krell preamp. What you say makes sense, I just have no experience with them.

Actually, I think the Pass preamps that I have heard have less of the FET effect than the Pass amps.  I prefer bipolar transistor amps for that reason.
How about the Merrill Christine pre? Have heard it in a friends system and this review was spot on:
There’s one FS on Agon at below your budget, something to consider. (Not affiliated with seller in any way)