Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 
Man, I love peaches, hamburgers and eggplant!  Snakes?  Not so much. 🐍💩
Bloody transistors age too, and well-made tube amp should last for 100 years with maybe couple of repairs.
I don't like only two things about tube amps - bad tubes occasionally blowing up and running out supply of good NOS tubes. I am sorry, I don't want third world made parts in my equipment. Some Russian tubes would do because they have a very long standing tradition of making tubes for the military. But you can't count on them, they may stop making them at any moment.

"Glubson, your statement is definitely true, and carefully worded..."
You have not been giving me enough credit. All my statements are like that.

I like peaches. Eggplant only when it is unrecognizable. Babaganoush and similar.

"I am sorry, I don't want third world made parts in my equipment."
You are in trouble. Short of Red Bull, everything else may be produced in some "Third World" country.
This is an interesting subject.
Ralph where are you ? Besides tubes what is not exactly Western in those amps of yours ?
I would not be so sure when it comes to Gryphon, Ypsilon, Wavac, Allnic, Swiss electronics etc.