Soliloquy bad for HT?

I just bought a demo Soliloquy C3 center to use with my 5.3 mains. I went with Soliloquy because I think they're great for music. I love the 5.3s. But the C3 center just does not seem to match right, which is odd since it uses the exact same drivers, same box (although shortened a little), etc.

Scenes seem to pan ok, but voice just does not sound the same as the 5.3, IMO. I don't even think it's close.

Has anyone else had any experience with Soliloquy in HT? Maybe I don't have it set up just right.
I have used a C3 with a pair of 6.3s without any problems. You might need some more break-in time. Soliloquys really need a long break-in to sound their best. What were you doing before - no center or a different center?

I recently read some information suggesting that the best center channel speaker is none IF you are sitting in the sweet spot. Center channel speaker is supposed to enhance off-axis listening positions.

Are you using the same interconnects/amp/cables for all 3 speakers? Is everything wired in-phase?

Good luck.
The C3 was a demo so I assume it has been broken in. I'll check on that though. Right now, I'm just using some speaker wire (same for mains) hooked up to the same amp.

The 5.3s were my first upgrade and I just picked up this center because I knew I eventualy would and I saved a few hundred dollars on it because it was a demo.

I can't think of any reason for the drastic difference in sound. Yesterday, I put in Star Wars on DVD and found that the scene with the pod races was pretty good but voices were almost muted. When I switched back to using my TV's speakers I found that I had been missing alot of detail in the movie with the soliloquys. Now, my TV which a Widescreen HDTV has one helluva audio setup on it for a TV, but something has to be wrong here. The voices just seem to sound more natural comming from the TV than the center speaker. I'm not talking imaging here, I mean the tone of the voice.

I thought it may be that the center is sitting on top of a very large TV which places it probably 2 feet above the 5.3s? But when I stand far back to lessen that impact it doesn't change much.

I think I need someone smarter than me to come over and tell me what's wrong here.
This may seem like a basic question, but have you changed the speaker settings and levels on your receiver to reflect the addition of center speaker? I have never heard a TV have "more natural" sounding voices than a quality speaker. It may be what you are accustomed to, and therefore sound "right" to you. Try going through your receiver set-up again and checking your settings.
checked the settings (speaker size and delay)and messed with them for a good 30 min. I know what your saying about what I'm used to, but I don't think it's my "untrained" ear. I have never heard a TV sound better than any center channel either, til now. For what it's worth, the Toshiba HX series is thier "cinema series" with upgraded audio componets in it. That probably means it's using $5 drivers instead of $3 drivers but I don't know.

The 5.3 mains do sound far, far better than the TV though. This leads me back to my first inclination that either this C3 is not the perfect match it's supposed to be, or the placement is providing very bad results. Problem is the placement is on the TV? Anyway, I'm thinking of returning the C3 and putting the money torwards an amp upgrade.

I absolutly love the 5.3 mains, but the fiance' doesn't like them because I won't allow them to be placed against the wall. Lots of things to be worked out here.
I have 2 HT systems w/ soliloquy. Most used is 5.0 w/ C3 and SAT5. (Also have 5.3). I noticed big change in dialogue in C3 by changing speaker cables. I was using Nordost Red Dawn but Tice 416a is a much better sound on C3. The analysis oval 9 work equally well. I was quite surprised the cable change was most remarkable on the C3 - the dialogue is much improved, which is most of what the center gets (may be the difference). I think the Soliloquy's sound really good in HT. I like better than paradyme and 600 B&Ws I have had in system.