Some Musical Truths

Music, at least at its best, is an expression of human truths. These truths span time, location and cultures. Here's some truths I have found from listening to music.

someone left the cake out in the rain...and I'll never have that recipe again

The night time is the right time

Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey

Tuesday's just as bad

20 years of schooling and they put you on the day shift

Now's the time

What truths have you found?
I was standing in the bathroom just now, when my all-time number one truth expressed in song suddenly came to me:

"No matter how I struggle and strive
I'll never get out of this world alive"

Have truer words ever been spoken? And these by a hillbilly!
That same hillbilly also sang "'cuz if you mind your own business then you won't be mindin' mine."
I'll also give Tori Amos (not generally a huge fan) her due on this insight into male ego:

"So you can make me come. That doesn't make you Jesus".