Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Regards, In_shore: I'm amused by the evidence of good humor in your post, as such you avoid the error of stereotypification in evidence in previous posts by certain others. This peculiar form of irrationality is much like stating the "typical" DD turntable has no soul whereas the "typical" belt drive does, or that the "typical" Canadian is considered well-mannered if he uses his own (instead of anothers') snowmobile keys to scratch his ears.

As there have been no reports of an impending polar bear invasion of Toronto, isn't it obvious that the combined psychokinetic might of American intellectuals was sufficient to relieve the residents of that event?

And yes, it's true that SOME could benefit by extending their awareness of the impact of geography on politics and economics, or simply to glorify in the wonder of strange and exotic places. It is also a fact that many have done so, this is evidenced by the NAFTA treaty, for which all Americans sacrifice a degree of personal financial security in order to build and maintain a stronger alliance with our good neighbors to both the north and south.

I believe this is close enough to thirty posts since my last to this thought-provoking thread, I'm going for my milkshake and wait for the next twenty-nine ;-). Meanwhile I'll give consideration to wether or not Chinese turntables have karma, I suspect they are the next major "players" in the production of audio gear. Chocolate.

Inna, don't worry about the Canadians. Or the Swedes. The Swedes have their home militia, the Canadians their blackflies and 'skeeters as big as sparrows. And those pesky polar bears.


I found humour in your comment with your discription progressing from a worm, Dutch scum to Frenchman then to mountain Serbian, Now I don't know why you reacted the way you did with me as opposed to someone referring to you as a worm and Dutch scum, a little much don't you think?

Your reaction to my comment about straining your neck that Dutch people are tall, well they are! and very tall at that.
You think I was insulting you somehow?? WOW

My wife is Dutch and she stands 6 feet and when we are in the Netherlands visiting her family, it's like the land of the giants all around you.


: governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience : SCRUPULOUS *a conscientious public servant*
2 : METICULOUS, CAREFUL *a conscientious listener

Given the context, I don't understand your point, but we'll just leave it at that. If by chance, you mean that what I said about collaborators does not apply to EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN EUROPE, then I concur. But this does not change the validity of what I said one iota.

It is difficult to converse with people that speak a difficult language. But I commend you all on your grasp of English, because if I had to speak your language, this would have been a one sided short conversation. BTW, that is one thing we can all criticize Americans for, lack of widespread ability to speak a foreign language.

Rest Assured I have a few close American friends, lived myself in the U.S., Saw and experienced countless wonderful things and I will continue my travels in that great country.
It's a good thing most Americans think they live in the greatest country on the planet, I like my small population.