something is not right here and it's on purpose!!!

lf you have the same source master on remastered digital and 1st press vinyl with the same volume, the digital sounds louder and more distorted with more intensity + is there anyway to remove that intensity from remastered digital because it sound like the audio has been run through a distortion pedal? How could legendary producers and mixers not hear this crap?
Science isn't concerned with supernatural elements of nature they leave that for charlatans and quacks. 
Fact all commercial audio is out of tune with the resonate frequency of the human brain and makes no difference whether the media is digital or vinyl because the source is the same and as good as the music can sound it does not sound natural only you don’t realize that fact because you don’t know what real natural music sounds like?
I don’t? Bummer. I wonder what my band mates and I have been
playing all these years? It must be unnatural music. They’re gonna be so disappointed when I tell them.

i’m going to re-encode an entire digital album with my frequencies and supply the download link so you can test the music on your system and draw your own conclusions my friends then we will see who’s crazy? i’m open to album suggestions something that you are familier with.
Oh I think we already know who’s crazy here. I’m familiar with grammar and spelling, but I doubt your frequencies can fix that.  Never thought I’d say this, but I really wish kenjit would chime in here.  This seems right up his alley. 

open to album suggestions something that you are familier with.

Apostrophe ; Frank Zappa 

I'm sure he would appreciate your efforts for mankind.
Sam here and my appearance on shark tank has been postponed due to the fake covid plandemic however when my earth frequency encoding invention hits the market i won't look so crazy as the public realizes what i have known for years the ploblem with the sound of music has nothing to do with digital as a media and everything to do with the music being out of tune with our brains.
fake covid plandemic however when my earth frequency encoding invention
Somehow it all makes sense now.