Sonic atributes ultralinear vs tetrode vs pentode

What are the sonic attributes of and amp running in Ultralinear vs tetrode vs Pentode. Looking to get a new amp, but live in a rural area can't audition them all. I don't like what I have heard from Ultralinear amps, too hard sounding for me. A lot of new pentode amps on the market, can't audition any. Why pick one over the other?
Trelja, choosing the midpoint on a scale may be simple math, but it's not simple dimensional analysis. Since wpc is a ratio scale with a meaningful zero, the proportions that Ralph referred to apply in this case. If this is confusing to you, you might ask someone who has had a beginning statistics course.

Audiofeil, thanks for the careful editing of my comment. You may want to take more credit for your creative work in the future.
Hi Mcphersn
I stand by my work and take full credit for it.

However, you provided me all I needed.

Looking forward to more opportunities.