Sonos Products

Has anyone tried the new Sonos Products?

How was your experience?

I'm thinking of adding the Sonos ZonePlayer 90 to my audio system to stream music wirelessly from my NAS (CDs ripped to FLAC).
Agreeing with soundgasm

I have sonos playing through cullen modified PS Audio dac and PS Audio preamp and wyred4sound st-500 amp (a bunch of work on the cabling side also). It is very good and definitely audiophile quality.
Just to add.......I was not knocking the Sonos at all.
And as people have mentioned above the ease of use and build quality for the asking price are top notch.

My point is if you do have a "main" system I think it is fine the way it is. It is the funnest piece I have had in a long time. Yes you can add a DAC, and it is known about the jitter, but if you are using it as a "radio" type player it is fine.

By the way I have added a zone bridge 100 as a signal sender and have had a signal as far away as 80 yards from my computer in the basement of my home! (ZP 100 to a ZP 100 to a ZP 90)

How cool is building a fire near the woods with a scenic view of a river and listening to a classic rock station from London!
I will chime in here too. I have several ZP80s around the house for convenience and overall usage they are fantastic. In my main rig, I use a ZP80 into a Monarchy DIP then into a PS Audio DAC 3, then on to my Cary SLP-03 preamplifier and McIntosh MC252 amp. The results are fantastic. When I compare a CD ripped in AIFF format to the original CD into that same front end using a Lexicon RT-10 as the transport instead of the Sonos.......hell if I can tell the difference!

My current setup has me wondering if I should swap the Sonos/Monarcy/DAC 3 for the newer PS Audio PWD with Bridge. Could it get any better?!
I have a Cullen modded Sonos, Antipodes cable, Peachtree Nova and am delighted with the sound quality. A friend has a modded Sonos and in sound tests it faired very well compared to his reference ($30k) system.

Don't underestimate how good Sonos can sound.
I too have been using SONOS around my house. However just recently I was asked the simple question, why not try it in your hifi system. So I did, went out and purchased a Cambridge Audio DACMAGIC plugged it in via COAX, then balanced out from DAC to Ayre K-5xe preamp and balanced out to my MC252. I performed an A/B test with the CD transport I had at the time and as one memeber said, hell if I could tell the difference. So I have not looked back. I have ripped all of my music to FLAC and placed then on my NAS and its available to me 24/7 from anywhere in the house. I use the new SONOS controller in my listening room and am happy as a CLAM. Now am thinking of either modding my existing ZP90 or just buying one modded from Cullen. I am wondering if the extra $550 for the mod is worth it.