Sonus faber Cremona Auditor and Jeff Rowland??

Dear audiophiles,,,
Does any one can give me a piece of advice??
Well, my system is consist of Jeff Rowland Concentra 1 and a custom made cd player using Pro-2 module. And all cables are Virtual Dynamics Nite 2 series (power, inter and speaker..) Cables are really good, and I like my Concentra.
However, I think my entire system is not really best matched with SF's Cremona Auditor..
Mid and High is OK, but Bass,,, is kind of booming sound..
Does it because my Auditor hasn't burnned yet? It only has almost 120hours played.
However, I suspect that my amp may not have enough power to drive Auditors..
Will it be better to change my amp?
I recently consider to change my concentra to Jeff's synergy pre plus jeff's 501, or Concentra2.
I do love Jeff Roland, but any one can give me an advice for me?
By the way, my CD player sounds similar to Oracle's cdp 2500 but little bit more sharp...
The concentra should easily have more than enough power to drive the auditors. I'm almost positive power is not the issue here. I would give the speakers another 300 hours break in and then make a decision.
What speakers did you have before? I have listened to the SF Auditors. Bass boom is not typical.

Room placement may be an issue. Have you tried to move them further away from walls? Also, make sure that they are not the identical distance from the back wall as they are from the side wall.

Bass boom can be a result of unique room acoustics. You might try some acoustic treatments. Eighth nerve is good:
(I am not associated in any way with them)
I agree with Rubinken. If anything with break in, they should have less bass as the drivers are still not 100%. I have heard the auditors with Rowland gear at my local dealer and the match is quite nice. Try different placement options.