Which of the following options would you recommend for my 20 x 20 x 18 room for 2 channel set-up?
1. SF Cremona Auditor with REL Subwoofer
2. SF Grand Piano Domus
I am planning on using Cary SLI-80 as my integrated amp. Would you recommend Plinius 9200 SS Integrated amp (200 watts/ch ) over Cary SLI-80 for driving SF Cremona Auditor (or) Grand Piano Domus ?
Which of the following options would you recommend for my 20 x 20 x 18 room for 2 channel set-up?
1. SF Cremona Auditor with REL Subwoofer
2. SF Grand Piano Domus
I am planning on using Cary SLI-80 as my integrated amp. Would you recommend Plinius 9200 SS Integrated amp (200 watts/ch ) over Cary SLI-80 for driving SF Cremona Auditor (or) Grand Piano Domus ?