Sonus Faber Cremona

Has anyone had experience with the SF Cremona? I'm in the $8K new / $5K used range and have auditioned the B&W 802N. The two speakers are comparably priced and both have pretty good wife acceptance. Really like the 802s, but have only had 2 short auditions under ideal music store setups. Emailed Sumiko and the closest SF Cremonas for audition are about 6 hours away. A man I trust on audio issues felt that although a very good speaker, the 802s tend to be a little bright and possibly fatiguing over time. He strongly recommended the SFs. Have read the recent review on the Cremona in StereoFile (very nice), but would appreciate additional comments.
PreAmp: McIntosh C2200 tube
Amp: McIntosh MC352 SS
Room: 13'wide x 29'long x 9'high
Go for the SF! Especially with your Mac gear you will be very happy! The Cremona does not have a "little bright" sound but is just right.
Good luck!
I seriously considered the 802s, but thought the Cremonas had better overall tonal balance. Although the B&W may have a bit more detail, I thought the SF was smoother and more natural sounding.
I have auditioned both speakers few times, with different gear though. Last time I auditioned the SF Cremona was in the Montreal audio show, they were driven by Nagra PLP preamplifier and Nagra mono amplifiers with a Wadia 861 CD player. The result was outstanding! They are in the same direction of the Amatis at a much cheaper price. I think they offer the best quality/price ratio(as the B&W matrix 801 used to be some years ago...)
Regarding the B&W Nautilus, I would only consider the 800 but they go beyond your budget.
Good luck!
Hi Zaikesman, the Amanti Hoamge has little competition from the Cremona. IMO, no comparison should be made. I like the Cremona, i thought it to be very musical, never bright, or do they start to where you down after long listening sessions. I found them to be a little too forgiving, a bit too sweet, and just a touch dark. I can understand someone who admires this speaker. You can listen for hours and will make some lesser quality recordings tolerable. They are also stunning to look at. I would like a bit more detail and transparency. I think this is going to be a speaker you love or look else where. A musical delight. Just doesn't thrill me. Coloration may where on some, others may have found their dream speaker. I wish it were more in line what I want from a speaker just because it looks soooooooooo good. Just an opinion from one who just couldn't help but yawn once or twice instead of sitting on the edge of my seat. My favorite place to park myself. A speaker that should be taken for a listen. It is going to please many.
I always get a little suspicious when Sam raves about something* to the degree he did with the Cremona, and he never claimed to have auditioned the Amatis (though none of this is going to matter in my world utlimately - SF products are generally too rich for my bank account). I thought it very interesting when Fremer was so seduced by the Amatis that he bought 'em, then turned around and replaced them with the new AP Avanti III's a relatively short while later; the unspoken implication was that the SF speakers weren't neutral enough, to him, for reviewing purposes.

*(I say this not only from experience with gear he has raved about - some of which I've agreed with him about and some not - but also because he tends to romanticize gear to an excessive degree due to factors other than sound, because he clearly prefers to not hear anything he considers nasty at all costs - even when that could simply be a part of the signal, because he displays blatant brand loyalties, and because his preferred musical material is largely stuff recorded before the age of high fidelity, not to mention quite different from my own music. Still love reading him, though.)