Sonus Faber Grand Pianos vs. Thiel 1.6's

I have demoed both of these speakers, with the same music. The sound stage the the 1.6's represent is amazing, as is the clarity of the overall sound. The Grand Piano's have great sound as well, but a bit warmer than the Thiels. I like the sound each speaker gives off, thus making this difficult.

Can anyone give me some input in making this tough decision??

I have been hearing a lot regarding Soliloquy, but have not been able to find a dealer in my area with them... so basically, I know nothing about them. I know the Thiels and teh Sonus are completely different sounds, but the nature of each speaker is what draws me towards them. I am leaning towards the Sonus because I have a large room, and with the added base response, I feel I will benefit from their sound. This is not an easy process, but it is certainly educational, as I am just beginning my quest for "Sonic Supremacy!!!" Thank's all, for your feedback.
I find the Thiel 1.6 to be outstanding with the Cary Rocket 88 amp. However, don't overlook the new Gallo Reference 3!, and rave review.
I concur with Lrsky's statement. I have heard both the Sonus Faber GP's and Thiel 1.6 in my system. The 1.6 is too bright and forward sounding for my taste while the GP's are so much musical, smoother and refined in comparison.

I would go with the Sonus Fabers. I own a pair and it sounds great with my Plinius SA-100MkIII.
Funny how everyone's taste and experience differs. I've sold both the Sonus(current since the Electa Amator vII's were released) and Thiel lines, and understand both lines tend to need completely different gear and set up needs!!!
The Thiels have traditionally needed a "strait ahead set up approach", and have gleaned towards tubes to balance out the analytical nature of the speakers(Jim Thiel is typical German analytical engineered speakers true to form). Except for perhaps the 2.3's, 6's and 7.2's which were all superb with SS!!! Otherwise I've liked the tubes with the older Thiel and perhaps 1.6's. The SF's (with the exception of maybe the little $3k SF's)have always done better with SS amps, and a sever "toe in setup approach!" Infact my old Electa Amators(original's) were only superb with SS.
Still, the 1.6's call for a more forgiving amp and a straight ahead possitioning. The Grands, definitely SS and "toe in"! Who's to say one is better?....they need different care..that's it. There's ton's of good sounding passive speakers out there...these are two, with difffernt approaches and executions.
Let's face it all you Thiel nay-sayers....Stereophile didn't refer to the 1.6's as deserving the speaker of the year award for nothing! They are good with the right care.