Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 amplifier Recommendation

Using a Conrad Johnson MV55 at 45wpc. Feel like I need a little more control of the bottom end. Does anyone have a recommendation for an amp or integrated that is synergistic with these speakers. 

Depending on your budget, at $2K a Conrad Johnson MF2275 should give you what you want.
I have a pair of Sonus Fabers Venere 2.5 and found similiar issues controlling bass roll off. I have them a thick carpet laying on a concrete slab foundation. I corrected issues by going to my local granite stone company and had them cut and polish  2-16"x16"x1.5" 20 lbs dead weight per platform plinths and placed the speakers with the spikes protectors on platform with equip spikes and found not only tightening the foundation bass but had a great improvement overall on the mid range too!
I also bi-amp with a Krell KSA 250 on low and Audio Research VT 130 se on the high and all I can say was wow now these Venere's are really performing with a huge sound stage  and very black deep sound. Overall like a total different performance!

Enjoy music!

I had the opportunity to visit a dealer and hear the Prim Luna DiaLogue Premium vs the Rogue Cronus Magnum ii.

I did Prefer the Rogue over the PM. But that is just MHO.

Audiogalore that is one powerhouse setup.  I don't have carpet on my floors I have a vinyl covering on the slab. where I have my spike protectors.  did you use the standard spikes or special spikes?  I also wish that I could move the speakers around easily are you able to do that with the granite slabs that you had made?