Sony 9000es v. Phillips 963SA - anyone compared?

OK, the Sony is the internet darling, we know that. Infinitely modifiable, very well built, good stock performance, especially at the going rates.

The new Phillips at a retail of $500, with switchable 24/192 upsampling of redbook, and capability of playing CD-R, as well as SACD, is getting some good buzz.
Sony typically has excellent reliability, but POOR service experiences abound (I've had a few).
Phillips, onthe other hand, at least with the 1000 SACD, had some questionable reliability, and I've not heard anythign re: service experiences.


anyone compared the Redbook and SACD performance of these machines?

Should I sell my 9000ES???

Gthirteen, are you sure? I've heard that said about the Sony, but there is a review that compares the Sony 9000ES DVDA playback to a Pioneer Elite's DVDA palyback. My cheapo $150 Panasonic VHS/DVD player plays DVDA. I can't see the reason why any DVD playing unit can't play DVDA.
Neither player has dvd-audio....only sacd...the better of the two hi rez formats imho.