Sony PUA 7 to re-wire or not

Dear all I have a Sony PUA7 - or is it the PS-X  - actually I think it is the latter on the basis that the wires are just hanging out of the base.

I have quotes between £200 and £300 ukp to rewire it.

Is it worth doing? or should I just install a plug at the end?

Out of interest is the PUA 7 a knife-edge or gimbal design?

My intention was/is to install it onto a SONY TTS8000

n.p. Put the wiring that looks best for your budget and enjoy it. ;)

I can only hope for you that  tonearm little paid for it.
Oh no - it was less than £200ukp - I primarily got it as I liked the idea of the TTS 8000 having a matching Sony arm. My intention is for it to have an everyday workaday cartridge like a Denon DL103 - the others arm is a brand new Helius Orion that's gonna house a much fancier cartridge - likewise I have a few other arms too.
Seeing as I have the arm - I have to give it a little love 
Dear @lohanimal  :. This is the PS70:

that comes mounted with the PUA7. Btw, that tonearm is not a knife-edge bearing design.

Here you can see botht versions: the stand alone and the one mounted in the TT:
