Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
I'm not sure whether you meant "no comparison" as hyperbole, Gandme, but according to Sony the mass of the XA9000ES is 35 pounds, 5 ounces, whereas the mass of the DVP-S9000ES is 27 pounds, 12 ounces, more than 6 pounds less. But the mass of the XA5400ES is only 22 pounds, 8 ounces, so you might conclude that it is the inferior unit. I have never heard a XA9000ES, but a number of reviewers claim the sonics of the XA5400ES are superior to those of the XA9000ES. Go figure.

In further pursuit of build quality it might be noted that according to Sony the mass of the SCD-1 is 58 pounds, 7 ounces, so in comparison the XA9000ES is a light weight, and one might predict the less than 23 pound XA5400ES to be a piece of crap with dreadful sonics. This is like beating a dead horse, though.

DP your post basically was insulting and you came across as arrogant and flippant or at least it appeared that way so I was a bit "jangled".

In my previous posts about the 9000 I assumed that most of the posters knew I was talking about the SCD-XA9000ES and not any other form or model of the 9000. Only when Gandme mentioned any confusion after one of my posts did I reply. I think we all know now which model I was referring to :)

The SCD-XA9000ES sounds very good on redbook but I am finding in my system (like Ozzy mentions) it does lack some depth. I quizzed Ozzy about this in some earlier posts but I have to agree with him. Overall it is a very nice player and fits into my buddies system very well but lacks in some areas in mine. The overall balance is not where I would like it. I would like to hear a 5400 one of these days and it goes to show that some equipment does not have to weigh 40 lbs or over to sound very good.

Weight has nothing to do with sound quality!

The 5400 is a more advanced and updated version of SACD than either the SCD-1 or 9000, and sounds better!

The SCD-1 has reliability problems!

I have heard all the top of the line Sony's over the last 10 years and the SCD-1 is way out of date.