Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
Don C55 & Tryeti,

Obviously you missed the sense of irony I was striving at in my posts. Of course I don't think weight is the determining factor in the sound quality of disc players, otherwise I wouldn't have a lightweight like the XA5400ES as a primary source in my main system.

I too am very happy with the 5400ES, and applaud the improved design of the disc tray that makes it so easy to place and remove discs. I'm using the analog XLR outputs because my processor has no HDMI input. I've been very impressed with the smooth yet detailed timbrel and soundstage portrayal, as well as with the extended frequency range.

in the review posted here

one of the responds seems to indicate that xa9000es will improve dramatically if the internal i-link is disconnected. but no mention of whether it will beat xa5400es.

I read the audio asylum link and disconnected the I just need a xa5400es to listen too! I think some of the discussion on build quality has focused on the cdp's weight. Build quility is more than physical weight. The xa9000 has more expensive parts throughout it's construction, as did the previous SACD-1, 777es etc. Technology may have passed it by...but is the xa5400 a better player considering the tweeks and mods that can be done to the xa9000es or any of the older players? They can be had for the same asking price and possibly hold their value longer than the 5400.