SOTA Millennia - Comments?

I have enjoyed three different SOTA tables over the years and now have the newest Nova w/ vac. Does anyone have experience with the SOTA Millennia? I'm considering another upgrade below $10K and have grown loyal to the brand.
Stiltskin I'm happy you express that emotion.I admit to being over the top at times,but honestly my comment was a generalization.Why should I come under attack whem I'm not "specifically" singling anyone out?OK,I can see how "that" can happen-:)

I do happen to know some folks who think more money "always" means better.I was underhandedly speaking to them.You're not wrong to raise an eyebrow,but do you want everything on Audiogon to be strictly "Vanilla" La-de-da?

Anyway,I've always liked you,and was not happy defending my comments in a not very nice way,towards you...BUT...don't change!!This stuff is what makes this forum interesting....

In between the too frequent pandering to the dealers and mfgrs.....(that was meant in jest)

Sorry,I had to get that "generalization" in.

Best to you always...and I mean that!!

Good to see you back on audiogon. All we need is Raul to have a real meaty discussion :-)

BTW, I bought my TW Raven as it is one of the the few tables that allows multiple arm's. My VPI HRX and LP12 still play wonderful music as well. And my Aussie Caliburn table was too cheap!!

Federer has a real tough match tonight against Rafa in the Aussie Open. The semi between Rafa and Verdasco was probably the best pure baseline hitting I have ever seen.
Yo Downunder,nice to hear from ya!!I'm looking forward to the Super Bowl,but actually I'm more excited about the Aussie Final.

I need to wake up early Sunday,but it'll be worth it.

PLEEEEASE,don't get excited about my sensationalizing anything,and who can say for sure which table I was alluding to anyway.I'd still take A Raven in a NY minute,but the Sota stuff is alot less expensive,and my point was about "those" products being worthy(admittedly I said it in a roundabout way).That's it!!

I kinda forgot that this is Audiogon.

Don't want to add too much noise to the thread .


I just bought the said German turntable recently and it's a major purchase for me, biggest in fact so there was some emotion invested in the decision. I obviously took your earlier bracketed words to heart and reacted as i did.
I do have to agree with some of your points regarding the element of hype with some new products on forums or publishing but that's nothing new i guess.

Despite what you said, i would like to think i have a life off the forum as i was busy with my young family and doing other non hi-fi things today.
