Sound quality of Newer versus Older speakers

From a sound quality perspective, is there anything that newer speakers are doing better than older speakers. For reference, I have a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 300s which are amazing me with their ability to balance detail retrieval with an ability to avoid harshness (with the right ancillaries). My subjective perception is that this type of balance between resolution and refinement was more difficult to find in speakers from 20-30 years ago.

It’s incredible just how hot the voice coils can get.

Hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit.

After 30 minutes or so it’s more than likely to have some effect particularly with some designs.

Thankfully I’ve only ever had to replace one driver because of this, but compression due to overheating has certainly been an issue with some of my speakers in the past.

The trick is to hear it (in any sized speaker) and back off before the poor thing gives up the ghost.
New speakers do one thing that the old ones will not do, they look real pretty, the old way of making speakers was all about the sound and performance and not the looks.
@speakermaster --

New speakers do one thing that the old ones will not do, they look real pretty, the old way of making speakers was all about the sound and performance and not the looks.

To me a speaker is "pretty" when its looks is a clear reflection of its function - i.e.: that form follows function, and not the other way round. You truly see the manifestation of physics-as-a-necessity, whereas looking pretty for just that usually leaves performance by the wayside. Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
pretty in looks, just like pretty in sound, are all in the eye of the beholder

many a speaker brand have made themselves distinctive with their looks as much as their sound - form may follow function or form just for form's sake (or beauty's sake)

modern living aethestics have progressed with many forms of contemporary and modern decors, much stemming from many cities and countries where living spaces are small despite the people being well off... makes for a larger market in skinny unobtrusive floor standers

Hi @cd318 ,

I always can hear difference in speakers in term of compression dynamics.
Many year ago I had Dynaudio Audience 60. I always felt these spikers have very heavy sound reproduction, the sound presses on the listener and tires.
When I bought Spendor 2/3 I felt a difference. Much more easy sound reproduction, especially on low and mid volume.
I have been using Altec 604E since 2005. They are very high sensitive.
So when I go to friends or audio show I always hear compression from most of low sensitive speakers. Even big speakers like Wilson Audio. I feel it like a heavy, strained sound reproduction, unnatural, tiresome. Sound presses and it cause me a discomfort.

I can easily listen the difference between similar designed speakers. For example, JBL L200, L300 and 4430.
L200 have better midrange texture and easy sound reproduction. 4430 are the worst heavy sound reproduction and muddy midrange.
